sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

Martha Magdalena Rodiguez Ramos

hi teacher...
i'm funny
i'm sympathetic
i'm friendly
i'm pretty
i'm inteligent

5 comentarios:

  1. My name is sergio
    how old are you?
    where are you?
    that studying this desididos?

  2. Hi im Hugo from 1C i think that your blog is so nice, and its so complete, keep working like that! Have a great day. See you in the school

  3. hello,my name is angie you blog is beauttyrfull.
    what type of miusic do you like?

  4. Hello!! my name is Evelyn Sanchez, of first grade section D I am 20 years old I am from Monclova nice blogger,the invite you my blogger. take care.good bye.

  5. Hello my name is Yadira Gómez I study in the normal school am 19 years old and belong to San Pedro Coahuila my animal faborito is the dog and my food is Mexican my matter is that of biology I order you regards
